Stephanie Jaynes

Marketing Director Stephanie Jaynes simplifies complex insurance and legal concepts to help home inspectors protect their livelihood and avoid unnecessary risk. Her articles have appeared in publications like the ASHI Reporter, CREIA Inspector Magazine, and the InspectorPro Blog. She’s been a guest on NACHI TV, Spectora Spotlight, The ASHI Online Learning Center, The Successful Home Inspector Podcast, Today’s Home Inspector, and the Home Inspection Authority Podcast. Stephanie received her Bachelor of Arts from Mills College with a major in creative writing and a minor in journalism. She has also earned her Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) designation from The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research. Outside of work, Stephanie enjoys trying new recipes and taking walks with her husband and sons.

Illustration of a person with short hair, a blue suit jacket, and a yellow tie, holding up a miniature house and analyzing it with a magnifying glass, like a landlord or tenant preparing for a rental property inspection from a home inspector.

House Inspections for Renters: Risk management tips for rental property inspections

By Stephanie Jaynes / July 15, 2024

When you own an inspection business, you want the phone to ring. An incoming call often means an upcoming inspection. But what if you don’t want the client or the situation on the other end of the phone? That’s how many inspectors feel about house inspections for renters. The scenario raises risk management questions and…

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Two men with judgmental expressions leaning over a fence display the role of a nosy neighbor or interfering seller at a home inspection, as seen in this small claims court defense story.

The Interfering Seller: A Small Claims Court Defense Story

By Stephanie Jaynes / June 15, 2024

The following is a real errors and omissions (E&O) case study from our home inspection insurance archives. To protect the insured’s identity, all identifiable characteristics from this small claims court defense—including names, associations, and locations—have been altered or removed. When a home inspector prepared his small claims court defense, it was to discuss page 17…

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Group photo of InspectorPro Insurance brokers Brianne Smith, Will Colton, and Aaron Menlove.

InspectorPro Insurance: Pioneers for Home Inspector Insurance

By Stephanie Jaynes / June 1, 2024

As a home inspector, you’re used to being the scapegoat. If defects are discovered after your inspection, if a property sale falls through, or if a subcontractor’s bill is too high, you often receive the blame (and the claim). In fact, at Inspectorpro Insurance, we estimate that over half of all home inspectors receive at…

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Close up of man’s waist with leather home inspector tool belt over cargo pants and flannel shirt. Belt carries home inspection equipment and tools like a digital tablet.

Home Inspection Equipment and Tools Checklist

By Stephanie Jaynes / June 1, 2024

Running a home inspection business comes with countless decisions. When it’s time to shop for home inspection equipment and tools, remembering what you need to buy, what you already have, and what you’ll want down the road can feel overwhelming. After all, it’s about more than just your budget. You’re making investments for the long-term…

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A wooden block balance beam with two smaller blocks, one on the left side with a green plus sign, and one on the right with a red minus sign. Background is light blue. Indicates all the things to consider when choosing a job as a home inspector, both pros and cons.

Things to Consider When Choosing a Job as a Home Inspector Pros and Cons: Part 2

By Stephanie Jaynes / April 1, 2024

In 2021 and 2022, the United States experienced the Great Resignation, in which more than 50 million Americans quit their jobs due to low pay, lack of advancement, and other frustrations.   Why the influx of people choosing new career paths? To them, a career is more than a nine-to-five. Nearly 40 percent of Americans say…

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Illustration of a black scale against a yellow background, with a green plus sign on the left and a red minus sign on the right. Used to illustrate asking if home inspector is a good career and weigh the pros and cons of being a home inspector.

Is ‘home inspector’ a good career? Pros and Cons of Being a Home Inspector: Part 1

By Stephanie Jaynes / March 1, 2024

In December 2023, American employers faced an interesting predicament: There were 9.5 million job openings, but only 6.5 million unemployed workers, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. With a surplus of employment opportunities for a limited workforce, laborers had their pick of the litter. Many self-starters and building enthusiasts looking for employment consider a…

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Zoomed-in image of elderly man and woman sitting together and signing a home inspection contract on paper, smiles on their faces.

12 Ways to Get Your Home Inspection Contract Signed Before You Start

By Stephanie Jaynes / February 15, 2024

In 2017, a couple discovered their “dream home.” Wanting to buy, they approached the seller and negotiated a price and a closing date. They shook hands on it. But weeks later, the seller still hadn’t signed the corresponding written contract. It didn’t matter how badly the couple wanted the house. It didn’t matter that they…

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Woman wearing a toolbelt inspects an air conditioning unit and explains her home inspection findings to a realtor or client. Photo courtesy of Structure Tech.

Are home inspectors in demand?

By Stephanie Jaynes / January 1, 2024

Home inspector Matthew Steger of WIN Home Inspection Elizabethtown in Pennsylvania remembers when he bought his first house in 1998. The interest rate was seven percent–same as when we wrote this article. But the property? The value has more than doubled.  While many homeowners jump for joy when their properties appreciate, Steger is less enthusiastic.…

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man in button up shirt with hand in bandages

Workers’ Comp for Home Inspectors: A guide to everything you need to know

By Stephanie Jaynes / December 1, 2023

Not long ago, we were looking at a home inspector’s workers’ compensation policy with another insurance carrier. Unknown to that home inspector, their carrier wasn’t familiar with the inspection industry. Despite their lack of know-how, the carrier didn’t want to turn the home inspector away. Instead, the provider sorted the client into the closest group…

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old couple fishing

Tail Coverage: Preserving Claims Coverage When Leaving the Industry

By Stephanie Jaynes / November 1, 2023

Planning for retirement? Interested in another field? Thinking about selling your business? Then you should consider home inspector insurance tail coverage. No matter your reason for making a career shift, it’s important to know how the change could affect your insurance coverage. After all, no one wants an uncovered lawsuit from an old client to…

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washing machine and storage in laundry room

Warranty vs Insurance: Key differences for home inspectors

By Stephanie Jaynes / October 1, 2023

A home inspector received a call from an inspection client, who complained of settlement issues and a failing foundation. The sprinkler system had been slowly saturating the property’s foundation. So had the lack of downspouts attached to the gutters, which had led to more standing water seeping into the foundation. While the home inspector had…

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Black background featuring expensive looking silver watches, like the one described in this crime insurance coverage example.

Crime Insurance Coverage: Your protection against inspector employee dishonesty, theft, and forgery

By Stephanie Jaynes / September 1, 2023

When one home inspector picked up the phone to hear an angry client yelling on the line, he wasn’t surprised. As a home inspector of 25 years and the owner of a multi-inspector firm, he’d had upset clients before. But there was something different about this call. The client wasn’t accusing them of missing mold…

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