How to become a
home inspector in Nebraska
Last Updated: August 28, 2023
If you are thinking about how to become a home inspector in Nebraska, look no further. You are beginning a new journey into an exciting career, and probably have a lot on your mind already, which is why the new Nebraska home inspector requirement to register will just add to the list of preparations you need to take care of. Don’t get stressed, though–we’ve got the information you need to register your home inspection business.

Nebraska Home Inspector Requirements
As mentioned above, the legislation that requires home inspectors to register (LB423) is relatively new. It goes into effect on January 1st, 2023, and you will need to send the following information to the Nebraska Secretary of State Licensing Division in order to register:
- Provide a certificate of insurance showing limits of at least $250,000 general liability insurance.
- List any currently held national certifications for home inspecting.
- Provide the following information in your registration:
- Name of entity/sole proprietor
- Address of home office
- Name and address of the agent for service of process for home inspector.
Keep in mind that many licensing laws are amended or clarified after implementation, so this information may change in a short while. To find out more information on the Nebraska home inspector licensing requirements, contact the licensing division here:
Phone: (402) 471-8606
Fax: (402) 471-2530
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 94608, Lincoln, NE 68509-4608
Location: 1201 N Street, Suite 120 Lincoln, NE 68508
Send Emails to:
In regards to the other requirements, however, we have more information on how to become a home inspector in Nebraska.
Obtaining Insurance
The Nebraska home inspector insurance requirement is fairly easy to meet, and it will protect you significantly:
General Liability / Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability
Limits of $250,000 (per occurrence) / $250,000 (aggregate) or more.
General liability covers any property damage or bodily injury to others caused by your inspection. For example, whether you leave a running faucet on and cause water damage, or someone hurts themselves after following you up your ladder (which we do not recommend), you will be covered with general liability.
Most inspectors choose to pair general liability insurance with errors and omissions (E&O) insurance, which protects you when your clients accuse you of missing something during their inspection—or, at the very least, leaving it out of your report. E&O insurance is the most often used, as it can protect you during lawsuits. However, you are only required to carry general liability in Nebraska, so choose the option that is right for your business’ protection.
Information to Provide with Registration
Even though we do not have the registration form at this time, the legislation states that you must provide the following information when you apply:
- Name of the entity/sole proprietor for your home inspection business.
- Address of your home office.
- Name and address of the agent for service of process for home inspector.
- List any national certification related to home inspections that you currently hold.
While the first two might be fairly straightforward, the other information should be explained further. An “agent for service of process for home inspector” is, simply put, the designated person who will receive important documents and lawsuits on behalf of your business–this is probably you, if you are a sole proprietor, or the owner of your LLC. The Nebraska home inspector requirements ask for this information in case someone files a lawsuit against you, or in case important documents need to reach you regarding your business.
Once you have submitted this information in their application, the registration fee, and the certificate of insurance, you are on your way to becoming an inspector. We at InspectorPro are so excited for you, and we hope you will contact us if you ever have any questions or concerns about the safety of your business. Enjoy inspecting!