
How to become a
home inspector in Texas

Last Updated: January 2, 2024

So you’ve decided to become a home inspector in Texas. Congrats! You’re joining an integral industry full of dedicated and talented professionals.

You may be wondering: What are the Texas home inspector license requirements? And what are Texas home inspector insurance requirements? Here’s what you need to know.

Texas State image

Who makes the requirements for Texas home inspectors?

The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) determines Texas home inspector licensing and insurance requirements. Established in 1949, TREC aims to safeguard consumers during real estate transactions and valuations by governing and enforcing inspectors in Texas.

What do I need to do to get a Texas home inspector license?

Unlike most states, Texas has not one but three levels of inspector licenses: Apprentice Inspector, Real Estate Inspector, and Professional Real Estate Inspector.

Texas home inspector requirements for all three levels include:

In addition to the requirements above, the individual levels have the following unique requirements:

Title Level Permissions Requirements Substitute Experience & Education
Apprentice InspectorEntryTrain under direct supervision of Professional Real Estate InspectorComplete Apprentice Inspector License Application

Pay fee
Real Estate InspectorIntermediateWork under indirect supervision of Professional Real Estate InspectorHave at least 3 months of active experience as an Apprentice during the 12 months preceding application

Complete 25 inspections under direct supervision

40 hours in Property and Building Inspection Module I

40 hours in Property and Building Inspection Module II

10 hours in Business Operations and Professional Responsibility Module

Complete Real Estate Inspector License Application

Pay application and Real Estate Inspection Recovery Fund fees
Pass exam
40 hours in Property and Building Inspection Module I

40 hours in Property and Building Inspection Module II

10 hours in Business Operations and Professional Responsibility Module

24 hours in Texas Standards of Practice Module

40 hours in Texas Practicum
Professional Real Estate InspectorAdvancedIndependently perform inspectionsHave at least 12 months of active experience as a licensed real estate inspector sponsored by a Texas professional inspector during the 24-month period preceding the application date

Complete 175 real estate inspections under direct supervision

40 hours in Property and Building Inspection Module I

40 hours in Property and Building Inspection Module II

10 hours in Business Operations and Professional Responsibility Module

20 hours in Texas Law Module

24 hours in Texas Standards of Practice Module

Complete Professional Real Estate Inspector License application

Pay application and Real Estate Inspection Recovery Fund fees

Pass exam
40 hours in Property and Building Inspection Module I

40 hours in Property and Building Inspection Module II

10 hours in Business Operations and Professional Responsibility Module

20 hours in Texas Law Module

24 hours in Texas Standards of Practice Module

20 hours in Analysis of Findings and Reporting Module

40 hours in Texas Practicum